Dewdrop Letterpress Wedding Invitations in Tropical Colors
As promised, we have one more fun customization of our Dewdrop letterpress wedding invitation design to share this week. This unique customization, printed for a wedding in Hawaii, makes the most of bright tropical colors perfect for this wedding held on the island of Maui. The letterpress invitation itself features the same vibrant spring green and garden inks of the original design, but plays with pairing our Salzburg script font with the clean lines of a simple sans serif font. The letterpress reply card, printed in punchy shades of papaya and fuchsia, really plays up the tropical feel and sets the stage for a celebration in the Hawaiian islands. Using two different ink colors for the reply card is also a really fun and festive way to work four ink colors into a design and add a personal touch to your letterpress wedding invitations. Have we mentioned before how much we love Dewdrop? Because we really really love seeing how couples make this design their own and getting the opportunity to print so many cool variations.
Previous Dewdrop customizations featured this week….
Custom Square Dewdrop Letterpress Wedding Invitations
Bright Green and Aqua Dewdrop Letterpress Wedding Inviations